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Birinci Dairy Co - More than Cheese ...
More than Cheese... Manufacturer of Mozzarella Cheese, Kashkaval Cheese, Edam Cheese, Gouda Cheese, White Cheddar Cheese, Red Cheddar Cheese, Emmental Cheese, Maasdam Cheese, Goat Cheese, Cheese Blends and Analogue Cheese since 2006...

About us

Naria Cheese
Birinci Dairy Company is since 2006 the ultimate source for all your Natural Cheese and Alternative (Analogue) Cheese needs in the industry, especially for the Retail, HoReCa, Food Supply and Industrial Customers.

We are a private owned company with Head Office in Istanbul - Turkiye, a Manufacturing Plant in Bolu - Turkiye and a distribution warehouse in Rijkevorsel - Belgium, which are ISO22000, ISO9001 and Halal certified. We offer Natural Cheese and Alternative (Analogue) Cheese in Blocks, Shredded and Diced forms.

We passionate in everything we do and take pride in our commitment to our ethos " Quality promised, Quality delivered.

We love what we do and that's what makes us Birinci Dairy Company...
Naria Cheese
Our wide range of Cheese products does contain only naturally produced ingredients. Therefore all our Cheese products are all labeled as “GMO FREE”... 
We offer Mozzarella Cheese, Edam Cheese, Gouda Cheese, White Cheddar Cheese, Red Cheddar Cheese, Emmental Cheese, Maasdam Cheese and much more different types of cheese...
Our wide range of Cheese products does contain only non gluten ingredients. Therefore all our Cheese products are all labeled as “GLUTEN FREE”... 
Have a look at our ISO 22000, ISO 9001 and Halal certified manufacturing facility in Bolu - Turkiye.
Birinci Dairy Company exports to more than 26 Countries on 4 continents 41 different products of Natural Cheese and Alternative (Analogue) Cheese under its own brands or as private label. Our entire Cheese range is ISO2200, ISO9001 and Halal certified.
News & Blog
  • Gouda Cheese
    Gouda Cheese
    Gouda cheese (/ˈɡaʊdə/ , US also /ˈɡuːdə/ , Dutch: [ˈɣʌudaː]; Dutch: Goudse kaas, "cheese from Gouda") is a creamy, yellow cow's milk cheese originating from the Netherlands. It is one of the most popular and produced cheeses worldwide. The name is used today as a general term for numerous similar cheeses produced in the traditional Dutch manner.

    The cheese is named after the city of Gouda, South Holland, not because it was produced in or around that city, but because it was traded there. In the Middle Ages, Dutch cities could obtain certain feudal rights which gave them primacy or a total monopoly on certain goods. Within the County of Holland, Gouda acquired market rights on cheese, the sole right to have a market in which the county's farmers could sell their cheese. All the cheeses would be taken to the market square in Gouda to be sold. Teams consisting of the guild of cheese-porters, identified by distinct differently coloured straw hats, carried the farmers' cheeses, which typically weighed about 16 kg (35 lb), in barrows. Buyers then sampled the cheeses and negotiated a price using a ritual bargaining system called handjeklap in which buyers and sellers clap each other's hands and shout out prices. Once a price was agreed upon, the porters would carry the cheese to the weighing house and complete the sale. Modern Gouda had evolved by the Dutch Golden Age of the 17th century.

    Cheesemaking traditionally was a woman's task in Dutch culture, with farmers' wives passing their cheesemaking skills onto their daughters. Most Dutch Gouda is now produced industrially. However, some 300 Dutch farmers still produce boerenkaas ("farmer's cheese"), which is a protected form of Gouda made in the traditional manner, using unpasteurised milk.

    Various sources suggest that the term Gouda refers more to a general style of cheesemaking rather than to a specific kind of cheese, pointing to its taste, which varies with age. Young (and factory-produced) Gouda has been described as having a flavour that is "lightly fudgy with nuts, but very, very, very mild", while the same source describes a more mature farmhouse Gouda as having a "lovely fruity tang" with a "sweet finish", that may take on "an almost butterscotch flavour" if aged over two years.

    After cultured milk is curdled, some of the whey is then drained and water is added. This is called "washing the curd", and creates a sweeter cheese, as the washing removes some of the lactose, resulting in a reduction of lactic acid produced. About 10% of the mixture is curds, which are pressed into circular moulds for several hours. These moulds are the essential reason behind its traditional, characteristic shape. The cheese is then soaked in a brine solution, which gives the cheese and its rind a distinctive taste.

    The cheese is dried for a few days before being coated with a yellow wax or plastic-like coating to prevent it from drying out. It is then aged, during which process the cheese changes from semi-hard to hard. Dutch cheese makers generally use six gradations, or categories, to classify the cheese:

    Young cheese (4 weeks)
    Young matured (8–10 weeks)
    Matured (16–18 weeks)
    Extra matured (7–9 months)
    Old cheese (10–12 months)
    Very old cheese (12 months to 20 months)

    As it ages, it develops a caramel sweetness and has a slight crunchiness from cheese crystals, especially in older cheeses. In the Netherlands, cubes of Gouda are often eaten as a snack served with Dutch mustard. Older varieties are sometimes topped with sugar or apple butter. Cubes of Gouda are commonly served as a snack along with beer in traditional Dutch Brown Bars.

  • Edam Cheese
    Edam Cheese
    Edam Cheese (Dutch: Edammer, [ˈeːdɑmər]) is a semi-hard cheese that originated in the Netherlands, and is named after the town of Edam in the province of North Holland.  Edam is traditionally sold in flat ended spheres with a pale yellow interior and a coat, or rind, of red paraffin wax. Edam ages and travels well, and does not spoil; it only hardens. These qualities (among others) made it the world's most popular cheese between the 14th and 18th centuries, both at sea and in remote colonies.

    Most "young" Edam cheese sold in stores has a very mild flavour, slightly salty or nutty, and almost no smell when compared to other cheeses. As the cheese ages, its flavour sharpens, and it becomes firmer. Edam may have as little as 28% fat in dry matter. Modern Edam is softer than other cheeses, such as Cheddar, due to its low fat content.


    Mild Edam goes well with fruit such as peaches, melons, apricots, and cherries. Aged Edam is often eaten with traditional "cheese fruits" like pears and apples. Like most cheeses, it is commonly eaten on crackers and bread, and may be eaten with crackers following the main course of a meal as a dessert of "cheese and biscuits". Pinot gris, dry Riesling, semi dry Riesling, Sparkling wine, Chardonnay, and Shiraz/Syrah are some recommended wines to accompany this cheese.

    Spain and former colonies
    In Spain and some of its former colonies, such as the Philippines and many Latin American countries, the cheese is known as queso de bola (ball cheese) and was long considered a delicacy.

    In the Mexican state of Yucatán, queso de bola is prepared as queso relleno ("stuffed cheese"). A ball of cheese is cut in half and carved out; it is then stuffed with a mixture of seasoned ground meat, raisins, capers, and olives. Finally, it is braised in chicken stock, and served sliced with the chicken stock that has been thickened with cornstarch and spiced tomato sauce.

    Czech Republic & Slovakia
    It is the most common cheese used in Czech Republic (usually sold under name eidam) and also very often used as base of the snack smažený sýr, which is popular in the country and in neighbouring Slovakia (Slovak: vyprážaný syr) where it may be served with a slice of ham (Slovak: so šunkou), and always with tartar sauce (tatárska omáčka) or mayonnaise.

    In Belize, where it was once one of the few commercially available cheeses, it may also be known as queso de calavera or queso de colorado, and usually eaten when well-aged and sharp, commonly with bread and coffee.

    In Indonesia, Edam cheese is quite popular—due to historical ties with the Netherlands—and is known as keju edam. Generally it is Edam cheese that is used for cooking kaasstengels that is served during Eid ul-Fitr, Christmas, and Chinese New Year. Other Indonesian dishes such as roti bakar, kue cubit and pannenkoek can be served with Edam cheese as topping.

    In the Philippines, queso de bola is popular during Christmas in the Philippines, when Filipinos feast with family and friends. It is customarily served with jamón and pandesal during the Noche Buena, the traditional feast taken around midnight of Christmas Eve and lasting until the early hours of Christmas Day.

    The cheese is also associated with Christmas in Sweden and Norway due to its red color, and is often found on the Christmas Julbord buffet.

    In popular culture
    Edam has been treated dramatically and humorously in a variety of cultural art forms. In the novel All Quiet on the Western Front, the main character believes its red outer covering is a sign of impending death. It is a wine aroma nuance in Sideways and an object of desire in the animated film Shopper 13. Edam is a seriocomic pivot in the Australian film Three Dollars. Actor Jason Flemyng advertised Edam in the UK. Edam was tested by MythBusters in episode 128 for its putative suitability as cannon ammunition against a ship's sail, but it bounced off the sail without damaging it.

  • Mozzarella Cheese
    Mozzarella Cheese
    Mozzarella is a traditionally southern Italian cheese made from Italian buffalo's milk by the pasta filata method. Fresh mozzarella is generally white but may vary seasonally to slightly yellow depending on the animal's diet.Due to its high moisture content, it is traditionally served the day after it is made but can be kept in brine for up to a week or longer when sold in vacuum-sealed packages. Low-moisture mozzarella can be kept refrigerated for up to a month,though some shredded low-moisture mozzarella is sold with a shelf life of up to six months. Mozzarella of several kinds is used for most types of pizza and several pasta dishes or served with sliced tomatoes and basil in Caprese salad.

    Mozzarella, derived from the Neapolitan dialect spoken in Campania, is the diminutive form of mozza ("cut"), or mozzare ("to cut off") derived from the method of working. The term is first mentioned in 1570, cited in a cookbook by Bartolomeo Scappi, reading "milk cream, fresh butter, ricotta cheese, fresh mozzarella and milk". An earlier reference is also often cited as describing mozzarella. Historian Monsignor Alicandri, in "Chiesa Metropolitana di Capua," states that in the 12th century the Monastery of Saint Lorenzo, in Capua, Campania offered pilgrims a piece of bread with mozza or provatura. These are locations rather than products and mozza is taken by some to be mozzarella.


    Mozzarella, recognised as a Specialità Tradizionale Garantita (STG) since 1996, is available fresh, usually rolled into a ball of 80 to 100 grams (2.8 to 3.5 oz) or about 6 cm (2.4 in) in diameter, and sometimes up to 1 kg (2.2 lb) or about 12 cm (4.7 in) diameter. It is soaked in salt water (brine) or whey, and other times citric acid is added and it is partly dried (desiccated), its structure being more compact. In this last form it is often used to prepare dishes cooked in the oven, such as lasagna and pizza.

    When twisted to form a plait mozzarella is called treccia. Mozzarella is also available in smoked (affumicata) and reduced-moisture, packaged varieties.

    Ovolini refers to smaller-sized bocconcini, and sometimes to cherry bocconcini.


    Several variants have been specifically formulated and prepared for use on pizza, such as low-moisture Mozzarella cheese. The International Dictionary of Food and Cooking defines this cheese as "a soft spun-curd cheese similar to Mozzarella made from cow's milk" that is "[u]sed particularly for pizzas and [that] contains somewhat less water than real Mozzarella".

    Low-moisture part-skim mozzarella, widely used in the food-service industry, has a low galactose content, per some consumers' preference for cheese on pizza to have low or moderate browning. Some pizza cheeses derived from skim mozzarella variants were designed not to require aging or the use of starter. Others can be made through the direct acidification of milk.

    Buffalo's milk

    In Italy, the cheese is produced nationwide using Italian buffalo's milk under the government's official name Mozzarella di latte di bufala because Italian buffalo is in all Italian regions. Only selected Mozzarella di bufala campana PDO is a type, made from the milk of Italian buffalo, raised in designated areas of Campania, Lazio, Apulia, and Molise. Unlike other mozzarellas - 50% of whose production derives from non-Italian and often semi - coagulated milk — it holds the status of a protected designation of origin (PDO 1996) under the European Union.

    Cow's milk

    Fior di latte is made from fresh pasteurized or unpasteurized cow's milk and not water buffalo milk, which greatly lowers its cost. Outside the EU, "mozzarella" not clearly labeled as deriving from water buffalo can be presumed to derive from cow milk. Mozzarella affumicata means smoked mozzarella.

    Sheep's milk

    Mozzarella of sheep milk, sometimes called "mozzarella pecorella", is typical of Sardinia, Abruzzo and Lazio, where it is also called 'mozzapecora'. It is worked with the addition of the rennet of lamb.

    Goat's milk

    Mozzarella of goat's milk is of recent origin and the producers are still few; among the reasons for this new production is the need to offer a kind of mozzarella to those who do not digest cow's milk, because goat's milk is more digestible.

    Mozzarella di bufala is traditionally produced solely from the milk of the Italian Mediterranean buffalo. A whey starter is added from the previous batch that contains thermophilic bacteria, and the milk is left to ripen so the bacteria can multiply. Then, rennet is added to coagulate the milk. After coagulation, the curd is cut into large, 2.5 – 5 cm pieces, and left to sit so the curds firm up in a process known as healing.

    After the curd heals, it is further cut into 1 – 1.5 cm large pieces. The curds are stirred and heated to separate the curds from the whey. The whey is then drained from the curds and the curds are placed in a hoop to form a solid mass. The curd mass is left until the pH is at around 5.2–5.5, which is the point when the cheese can be stretched and kneaded to produce a delicate consistency—this process is generally known as pasta filata. According to the Mozzarella di Bufala trade association, "The cheese-maker kneads it with his hands, like a baker making bread, until he obtains a smooth, shiny paste, a strand of which he pulls out and lops off, forming the individual mozzarella."It is then typically formed into cylinder shapes or in plait. In Italy, a "rubbery" consistency is generally considered not satisfactory; the cheese is expected to be softer.

    Recognitions and regulations

    Mozzarella received a Traditional Specialities Guaranteed (TSG) certification from the European Union in 1998. This protection scheme requires that mozzarella sold in the European Union is produced according to a traditional recipe. The TSG certification does not specify the source of the milk, so any type of milk can be used, but it is speculated that it is normally made from whole milk.

    Different variants of this dairy product are included in the list of traditional Italian agri-food products (P.A.T) of the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies (MIPAAF), with the following denominations:

    - Mozzarella (Basilicata)

    - Silana mozzarella (Calabria)

    - Mozzarella della mortella (Campania)

    - Mozzarella di Brugnato (Liguria)

    - Cow's mozzarella (Molise)

    - Mozzarella or fior di latte (Apulia)

    - Mozzarella (Sicilia).

  • Etymology of Cheese
    Etymology of Cheese
    The word cheese comes from Latin caseus, from which the modern word casein is also derived. The earliest source is from the proto-Indo-European root *kwat-, which means "to ferment, become sour". The word cheese comes from chese (in Middle Englich) and cīese or cēse (in Old English). Similar words are shared by other West Germanic languages-West Frisian tsiis, Dutch kaas, German Käse, Old High German chāsi- all from the reconstructed West-Germanic form *kāsi, which in turn is an early borrowing from Latin.

    The Online Etymological Dictinary states that "cheese" comes from "Old English cyse (West Saxon), cese (Anglian)...from West Germanic *kasjus (source also of Old Saxon kasi, Old High German chāsi, German Käse, Middle Dutch case, Dutch kaas), from Latin caseus (for) "cheese" (Source of Italian cacio, Spanish queso, Irish caise, Welsh caws)."The Online Etymological Dictinary states that the word is of "unknown origin; perhaps from a PIE root *kwat-"to ferment, become sour" (source also of Prakrit chasi "buttermilk;" Old Church Slavonic kvasu "leaven; fermented drink," kyselu "sour,"-kyseti "to turn sour;" Czech kysati "to turn sour, rot;" Sanskrit kvathati "boils, seethes;" Gothic hwabjan "foam"). Also compare fromage. Old Norse ostr, Danish ost, Swedish ost are related Latin ius "broth, sauce, juice."

    When the Romans began to make hard cheeses for their legionaries supplies, a new word started to be used: formaticum, from caseus formatus, or "molded cheese" (as in "formed", not "moldy"). It is from this word that the French fromage, standard Italian formaggio, Catalan formatge, Breton fourmaj, and Occitan fromatge (or formatge) are derived. Of the Romance languages, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian, Tuscan and Southern Italian dialects use words derived from caseus (queso, gueijo, cas and caso for example). The word cheese itself is occasionally employed in a snse that means "molded" or "formed". Head Cheese uses the word in this sense. The term "cheese" is also used a a noun, verb and adjective in a number of figurative expressions. (e.g. "the big cheese", "to be cheesed off", and "cheesy lyrics").

    source :
  • Cheddar Cheese
    Cheddar Cheese
    Cheddar cheese (or simply cheddar) is a natural cheese that is relatively hard, off-white (or orange if colorings such as annatto are added), and sometimes sharp-tasting. It originates from the English village of Cheddar in Somerset, South West England.

    Cheddar is produced all over the world, and cheddar cheese has no Protected Designation of Origin (PDO). In 2007, the name West Country Farmhouse Cheddar was registered in the European Union and (after Brexit) the United Kingdom, defined as cheddar produced from local milk within Somerset, Dorset, Devon and Cornwall and manufactured using traditional methods. Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) was registered for Orkney Scottish Island Cheddar in 2013 in the EU, which also applies under UK law.

    Cheddar cheese (or simply cheddar) is a natural cheese that is relatively hard, off-white (or orange if colorings such as annatto are added), and sometimes sharp-tasting. It originates from the English village of Cheddar in Somerset, South West England.

    Cheddar is produced all over the world, and cheddar cheese has no Protected Designation of Origin (PDO). In 2007, the name West Country Farmhouse Cheddar was registered in the European Union and (after Brexit) the United Kingdom, defined as cheddar produced from local milk within Somerset, Dorset, Devon and Cornwall and manufactured using traditional methods. Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) was registered for Orkney Scottish Island Cheddar in 2013 in the EU, which also applies under UK law.

    Globally, the style and quality of cheeses labelled as cheddar varies greatly, with some processed cheeses packaged as "cheddar". Cheeses similar to Red Leicester are sometimes marketed as "red cheddar”.

    Cheddar is the most popular cheese in the UK, accounting for 51% of the country's £1.9 billion annual cheese market. It is the second-most popular cheese in the United States behind mozzarella, with an average annual consumption of 10 lb (4.5 kg) per capita. The United States produced approximately 3,000,000,000 lb (1,300,000 long tons; 1,400,000 tonnes) of cheddar in 2014, and the UK produced 258,000 long tons (262,000 tonnes) in 2008.

Birinci Dairy Co - More than Cheese ...
Birinci Dairy Co - More than Cheese ...
Birinci Dairy Co - More than Cheese ...
Birinci Dairy Co - More than Cheese ...
Birinci Dairy Co - More than Cheese ...